forensic evaluations

Over the past 20 years, I have developed the foremost forensic psychology practice in Ireland. In the conduct of forensic assessments, I provide consultation in cases involving criminal matters, personal injury cases, and family law issues. I have Security Clearance for all the main prisons. Therefore, consultations can be arranged at short notice.
Forensic Evaluations – Criminal Matters
I manage a focused Forensic Practice and I provide testing and data interpretation that addresses the cognitive and emotional issues that emerge in presentencing, competency, criminal responsibility, risk assessment, disability, testamentary capacity cases and a range of other psychological issues. Peer reviewed, objectivity, evidence based, and adhering to scientific standards – are my core principles in this work.
Investigative Psychological Forensic work I have undertaken includes opinions on criminal investigations, offender behaviour, and videotaped interrogation interpretation. I bring in-depth knowledge and experience to the areas of sexual assault, domestic violence, false imprisonment, prolonged imprisonment, solitary confinement, adult presentation of child abuse, human trafficking, modern slavery, and post-traumatic stress disorder. I have worked with men, women, trans, & non-binary from most parts of the world. Every person I meet has a unique set of circumstances.
My Views on Child Pornography and Online Offending
In respect of Child Protection, I believe in a broad-based comprehensive program that comprises Primary Prevention through school-based education campaigns, and education to adults in general (not just parents); Secondary Prevention through the use of algorithms online directing messages to individuals who search for child pornography online disrupting their illusion of anonymity. See
Focus on STIGMA as this causes stress and can increase distress and psychopathology – so it is critical in my opinion to reach out via education and self-help content in an Irish website that is directed towards online child pornography offenders. Good examples in the UK are and in the US are